My crazy busy life…

Life as always is good…just a little on the busy side. At least it keeps me out of trouble. The newest thing filling my time is packing up the house…or at least thinking about it. After a what feels like years of living flexibly we finally bought a house (we’ll close at the end of the year). I’m thrilled at the thought of hanging up pictures again, and opening boxes that have been packet for years (It’ll probably be something we’ll through out, but at least it’s not sitting in a box in the garage!). So that’s our next adventure! Here’s a few fall pics I took of Charis that I forgot about until yesterday!

December 12, 2008. Uncategorized.

One Comment

  1. nell ann replied:

    Your little girl is absolutely precious!!! I’m excited about seeing pictures of your new house, too. I love moving; it’s like a brand new start! Post pictures soon, please. : )

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